
Meant to be

Poem:Meant to be

I was alright

I was alright

I was doing just fine

And then…

You said you fell

You fell in love

With whom or with what?

Is this the start to the new year that you had wished for and got?

As much of a surprise to you as it is to me?

Some say these things, although rare,

They’re here to stay and are meant to be



Review: Meant to be


Meant to be?

Meant to be!

Alowing ‘destiny’ to decide and to take over?

Suerly not, right?

The poet was okay, weren’t they?

Until they learnt of someone whom they know of having fallen. Whoops,

oh dear and oh no right? I automatically think the worst. Could they be hurt?

My mind is about to spiral into ‘worry mode’ then it’s immediately revealed

that this other person has fallen… in love. Pow! What a mighty force that is.

What a clout! It could have been an instant, thing or is that more of the ‘phwoar factor’ of lust? Love develops over time doesn’t it. It’s all about connecting. I’m no expert but it’s all about feeling good in the company of that other person and that they feel the same about you too. That is love and respect in a nutshell, right? Love is vast and so is the arena that it takes place within.

Physically falling can be embarrassing, can hurt and can leave bruises. Is that the same with falling in love? What is ‘love’ in the poem and where is it going?

Mysterious as it’s not revealed what exactly it is that the person has fallen in love with. A thing? An activity? A person? (I’m scanning the words for clues)

It looks as though this was potentially a new year’s wish. We all make those don’t we. The good intentions. Out with the old, blah blah blah…I yawn. For me, it’s all too clichéd to follow a herd and do everything in the traditional way and on the same day – January 1st (oh how I laugh, shrug my shoulders and roll my eyes at that!) Other stories for future times!

The poet plunges straight in with questioning. They obviously feel comfortable enough to do just that. I‘ve read and re-read the poem and I’m no closer to discovering what the ‘love’ is!

A surprise. Unexpected or have there always been signs that it was heading in this direction?

Perhaps that is the point of the poem for the reader to look at themselves and where they are within the broad spectrum of love? What are the things that they are curious about?  What ignites? What are the things they do or want to be doing that offers that spark? The people in their lives? Who and what offers that connection, the warm feeling and that glow of love?

An intriguing little poem with effective rhyming.

I can only conclude on reading this; it was meant to be.




Because it’s you

Poem:  Because it’s you

I could talk to you for hours

I could talk to you for days

I get to be me in your company

and I’m not going through a ‘phase’

Review: Because it’s you

A powerful little poem

revealing admiration for the other person

There’s an attraction and a connection.

The desire is to talk to this person for hours and days. That is a mighty long time. What is the attraction? What is the connection? What is it that they do?

A friendship, it just is, isn’t it? There’s no need to explain it. Like with young children where they naturally form bonds, get to know each other, discover, share interests, introduce new things, play and have fun.

I believe in the power of contrasts and how that can reveal truths. I think that the poet may be living a life where they do not feel that they can be themselves. Living as just a label or many label’s and do not have a clear idea of their own identity.

Whoa, that’s a big statement to make, isn’t it?

Who are they? Is something missing?

By being in the company of this other person however, they can relax, are content, can be themselves and be reminded of that they can learn more and get to know who they truly are! – pow! Another strong statement, eh? But that’s the power of friendship! There is freedom of self-expression, and it builds confidence. Is it true to say the friends one has inspires and reflects who you are in life and how you view the world?

A ‘phase’ suggests to me, a short-lived period of discovery with its novelty factor. Novelties tend to wear off don’t they? The poet is not viewing the friendship they have as a novelty but as something that is continuous and stable. I’m admiring the confidence of this union. It’s strong and warm hearted.

Milk it

Poem:Milk it

Do you do alternative milk?

Of course you do

I’ve seen the price of your pastries

when I did a Deliveroo

I bet your vegan cow produces Instagram feeds and the oat milk too

Along with the coconut and the soya kind

I’m sure I’ll find it’s all true

Hard work and dedication

A force of well-being motivation

So bright and so very talented

Saved herself from becoming a stew

As she turned her hoof to trying something new

So very smart

I’m so impressed

Oh  what a clever moo!


Review:Milk it

Alternative milk?

I pause. I can’t shrug my shoulders nor laugh out loud at this because it’s just milk!

It’s pure and harmless right?

Wrong! (Allergic and lactose intolerant stories, many of those for other times)

Milk as we know it, as in the milk that is used to make tea’s and coffees, always has been for all and always will be right?

Wrong again!

It won’t always be because there is…that thing called choice! The luxury of choice. There’s no ‘You get what you’re given and you’ve got to put up with it.’

The choice with milk is not new, however. For some it’s done for health reasons? or to be trendy?  to have ‘high quality’ non dairy, ‘looks-like-it’s-milk-but-it’s-not’ delicious (tastebud of the beholder), white liquid substitute. Or it could be veganism?

Take your pick. For some folk it’s all four. Tick those monitoring, you’re being watched boxes!

It looks as though the poet has come across an independent cafe that offers all of these milks of the “high quality” range. The poet is aware of the prices of their pastries but have they even tried any of the pastries before coming to that conclusion of them being a bit too pricey? Hmm? The poet is being judgemental are they not? Hmm, but I too could judge the poet as the poet has used the speedy delivery service on wheels – Deliveroo! (another story for another time. I’m sure I could have fun with that!) Will I judge the poet on that one? Pondering times eh? Hmm (again) It’s not my business to judge the poet on using that service. It is only my interest to observe the observer and to question.

I find it comical how an unexpected cow has popped up in the poem and is able to multi skill and put those skills to good use! Impressive, what she’s able to do! This cow is able to produce all milks! – wow!

A fun poem that’s a reflection on society at the moment with how folk are doing various unexpected jobs to make ends meet and to survive. People dig deep. Surviving is not a luxury. These are tough times for many. The cow is ‘milking it’ by taking full advantage of the situation she finds herself in. She’s making it work and has got my respect!

She’s a survivor!


Envy innit?

Poem: Envy innit?

The aim of those who covet is for one day they long to be coveted too!

What a waste of energy

A stunted evolution


Oxen, Asses, and all that


You’ve seen one ass, you’ve seen them all

I yawn




Review:Envy innit? 


An amusing and wise little poem. The starting point of this short poem is with a regional term, innit? I’ve not ventured much beyond the M25 but I recognise the term ‘innit’ as something familiar from my North London and East London days. ‘Innit’ is indeed a London ‘fing.

The title get’s my attention and I’m reading it with a London dialect in mind.

This serves me as I’m already in that mode when I get to “Oxen, Asses and all that”

A good conversational starter of “let’s talk about this and this is what I think”

A great opening statement with those who desire the things of others and that their desire is for the things that they have, and aim to have, to be hankered over too.

How very shallow and hollow. Is this what most people do? “Look at me”, accompanied with a “what I’ve got status”

Or is the acquiring of ‘things’ with the desire for the items and apparent status achieved to be coveted or is it a reaction to a trauma? They are in a position to get things where they couldn’t before therefore they…

Buy stuff, buy stuff, buy stuff, buy buy buy! Accumulate, accumulate squirrel-like and then? Unease or social discomfort eradicated? Or would they just keep going?

Justified actions? From their own perspective, absolutely yes.

It looks as though they will keep going if the aim is to reach an even higher status.

But who would know of this unless it’s a parent, or a grandparent or someone close who were at the beginning of a person’s life and know of their story? It would only be from their perspective wouldn’t it? The perspective of someone naturally exhibiting a proud bias. Perhaps not broad enough? and perhaps with a tinge of a ‘rose tinted spectacle’ view.

The overt display and the nodding of heads from others is a sign of acknowledgement, acceptance and being ‘liked’ by a certain social group and fitting in. Has this always been the case? Now it is facilitated by social media platforms demonstrating edited and curated behaviours to be shared.

Seeking to be coveted is definitely a waste of energy rendering the seeker emotionally vacant. What a time consuming and costly faff!

Human beings are indeed capable of doing and achieving so many good things with not everything needing to be trumpeted.  Coveting and buying stuff and buying into commercially driven ideas can stunt evolution and distract an individual from their own personal aims or aim in life.

The poet is referencing well-known biblical ancient text when it comes to the oxen and asses.

What is the modern-day equivalent?

The modern ‘jumbo’ cars of today? Other modes of personal transportation? (another story for another time) The oxen and asses from long ago were needed right? Are the jumbo oversized cars of today needed? How did humanity cope before, with the size of vehicles in relation to the size of people? Are we as humans, not sophisticated enough to design vehicles that are safe, stylish and not needing to be ginormous?

Is someone or something ‘spinning a yarn’ here with the claimed benefits of these beasts on wheels?

I get the feeling that the poet regards the behaviours of those who covet and what drives them as something not being a new phenomenon as they recognise the pattern. When the behaviour is seen over and over again and not likely to change it bores the poet into writing this poem. I like the punchy conclusion where the poet refers to those who engage in this sort of behaviour as asses!

A satisfying little read.















The Buena Vista Social Club – a beautiful discovery

You are always with me

“When your words and sounds stir my soul I’ll gladly surrender to you each and every time; whenever that is and wherever it is that you have come from. What a beautiful never ending discovery! You’ve reached out, rescued me, and shown me love and support. I am never alone when you’re with me and you are always with me…music.” 

Good music has the power to move, to befriend and to break international barriers. It will always reveal itself and will always stand the test of time. Its truth can never be suppressed even if previously hidden away for years like a precious jewel. In the end its beauty has to rise to the surface, it has to shine and to come alive.

Shazam! – One of my favourite apps, where you can grab any song you hear in an instant, right out of the sky! (Or the nearest speaker)

This was the case with ‘Chan Chan’ by the Buena Vista Social Club – I grabbed it because it grabbed me first and it wouldn’t let me go. A few years ago (I don’t know exactly when or where) I heard the song and I linked it to my ‘Spotify’ playlist straight away. It was new to me. All I thought at the time was that it was different, really good and I liked it. I didn’t think to question whom the band members were, where they were from or indeed how many made up the band? When the song would come up every so often on my playlist, it would stay with me for days – there was something special and unique about the sound; a wave of calm sincerity masterfully mixed with a sense of delicate yet a strong self-assurance. The music would gently pour out from the speakers and fill my spirit.

Although Spanish in lyrics, ‘Chan Chan’ doesn’t confuse my English thinking brain; I know a few Spanish words yes, but it is certainly not a prerequisite to know fluent Spanish to be able to fully immerse oneself and enjoy the sheer beauty and elegance of this delightful sound. Music, good music is universal; I believe it’s about the vibration of a sound that can truly reach out and connect.

Some time passed and I heard a direct connection to the (Orquesta) Buena Vista Social Club again, this time on local radio, BBC radio London. I heard a live version of the track, Dos Gardenias; sublime I thought. I could hear the presenter, Robert Elms was enchanted; his joy was irrepressible. If there ever was a time to ‘hear’ someone smiling from ear to ear, this was it.


But who were this Buena Vista Social Club? I learned that they were from Cuba but that was about as far as I got with my curiosity at the time; it stopped at that.

Cue the trumpets, the drums, the piano and much more. In fact cue the whole energetic sound of Cuban musical joy as it makes world history. My curiosity was stirred yet again, this time in April of this year, 2018 as BBC 4 presented the Oscar-nominated documentary, Buena Vista Social Club, by filmmaker Wim Wenders. The documentary tells the story of how music producer Ry Cooder visited Cuba and fell in love with the music in the 1970’s. It was something that had stayed with him for decades and it was only then he was drawn back to Cuba in search of the legendary artists and musicians where he hoped to find and bring together from that era. With much determination, he was indeed successful with his aim. A musical collective of broad musical talents and ages came together and gelled; The Buena Vista Social Club was formed.

Time is a funny thing; it feels like it stands still, drags, goes too quick or just appears to play games like ‘hide (for a very long time) and seek’

For me, The Buena Vista Social Club wanted to play that game. Their story represents many layers of waiting patiently without realising and finally being recognised and appreciated the world over. The Buena Vista Social Club eponymous first album was released in 1997 and currently lies this year, 2018 in the top ten world music chart. 

It took twenty years for the band members to all come together and another twenty years for me to discover their delightful music and rich story. Curiosity can lead to finding many beautiful things in life such as warmth, class, charm and joy. The Buena Vista Social Club represents all of those things. To me, it has been a revelation that is uplifting and sheer magic.

What sound did you discover that reached inside and stirred your soul?