
Poem: Comfortable 

Happy anniversary at some point in the year

You know I love you

I’ve put the time in

Keep going

Time will forever be that winged chariot

Flip that calendar page til the next one

I know you love me too


Review: Comfortable

If this is what being ‘comfortable’ is then take me to a pavement of hot coals to walk across, pronto!

Mind you, walking with ease along any London pavement now-a-days one is met with annoying eye sores and obstacles such as litter as well as those SUV’s! Many years ago, it used to be the dog mess on pavements. Some would argue that the SUV’s are equally as yucky as the Poop and the litter. Folks are picking up the doggy deposits now but the big monstrous cars don’t look that easy to scrape off the pavements and shove into a bag to then BIN!  Most have a view on them don’t they? I’ll leave it there for now as I don’t want to swear. That’s not my bag. (another story for another time) Instead I’ll growl quietly for a few short seconds grrr. There, I’m done.

Back to the poem. You can guess I’m after a thrill and excitement of some sort after having mentioned those hot coals!

Back again to the poem, (apologises for deviating)

‘Comfortable’ does indeed have different meanings for different things for different people.  – Fine! – I accept that.

Can I accept however that an important anniversary date has not been remembered? Whoops right? And a big fat one at that!

It’s an anniversary of a commitment that has been made for the rest of one’s life!

Whoa. Flippin eck, I need to sit down, I need to be ‘comfortable’ right now. It’s a big deal right?

Sounds a bit scary. BUT the only scary thing I can see is the ‘not committing to remembering the date!’

Yes, there are lots of things throughout the year that present themselves to you to not forget, like putting out the bins, paying bills, voting for or not for ”Ian-Doobrie_what’s _his_name” and getting to work on time etc BUT not to remember this life changing date?

Hmm. I’d suggest getting a tattoo of the date so there’s no excuse to forget! Even if you have it written in reverse on your forehead so you can see it and read it when looking at the mirror! Mind you, skin can sag over time so unless you have chosen a large font… it’s potentially… not a good idea. I apologise for raising any hopes. No, I’m not speaking from experience I just use good creams and stay out of the sun. We don’t have much of it anyway so the weather forecast is working with me and my anti-aging concerns.

As I read on however, I am concerned as it seems that a list of the ‘for better’s and for worse’s’ could become hugely imbalanced! Don’t stop though.

‘Keep Going’ as it says in the poem. Strike that balance.

BUT am I to judge this couple?

NO, not at all. These things happen right?

It’s modern life with all the ‘digital this, that and the other’ distractions vying for attention.

A little understanding is what’s needed

(Be sure to set a reminder where at least something within your orbit will vibrate, prick you and go ‘PING’ more than once! Prompts are necessary, aren’t they?

If not serious, it is funny to read the words ‘at some point in the year’

The thing is, It’s true isn’t it, at some point. I applaud the honesty.

‘You know I love you’ says to me that the person is not needing to make a big fuss with devising a grand loving gesture of writing a love poem for example? Who’s got the time or the inclination for something as ambitions and naive like that now_a_days? Oh, how I laugh.

BUT how else as humans are we supposed to celebrate and commiserate important moments in time if we don’t mark them with an expression and acknowledgement of some kind? Be it love, admiration or relief! It’s important to share and connect with others, right?

Justifying the years (I presume it’s more than the one here) with saying “I’ve put the time in!’ That’s a clout of a comment!

Hilarious, honest, and yes, erm, comfortable.

Time keeps moving along doesn’t it?

Be it a sun dial, on a fancy Rolex or a smart/stupid watch! It doesn’t and nor should it apologise for its ticking and tocking! When you’re having fun, it flies. It drags when you’re not. Get on with it I’d say and add more fun if there’s an imbalance! Time’s not going to wait!

I detect that the couple are used to using calendars in the old fashion sense. An analogue style and an analogue non AI life. Oh, how cute and comfortable they must be in their archaic ways I’m imagining. I bet they still use hot water bottles and plastic shopping bags and actually go to supermarkets and use coins to pay for stuff. I’ll leave it there before I get consumed into a whirlpool of nostalgic nonsense! Tapping and zooming with everything is where we all are in the 21st century. (without a glitch, right?)

I’ll leave it there and yes, I’m biting my tongue.

There’s certainly love and acknowledgment between the two.

It sounds like the couple have been reading from very well-rehearsed script. They have made the effort, continue to do so and have reached their own ‘climactic’ conclusion with ‘comfortable’ kisses.

But where is the spice?

 “I’m willing for you to experience some excitement and variety”

Is what I would write in an anniversary card to them.

I love the compact burst of the poem, The sense of humour is punchy and very droll. I feel I’ve got to know them and I’m keen to know where they go next.

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