Love speaks

Poem:Love speaks


I don’t need to wait for when push comes to shove

Every day I’ll look into your eyes and call you my,





and love


It’s either that or you’re


My world







Sweet cheeks

And hot stuff!


Some might say that’ll do for now,

but it can never be enough!


Review: Love speaks

‘Love’ is saying quite a fair bit here. It has a lot to say.

There’s certainly some intensity at the start of the poem with there not needing to be any form of encouragement, persuasion, nor coercion for the expressions of ‘love’ to be released.

It sounds like this person who is about to declare their love has been waiting like a coiled spring ready to launch. When they do, he or she really goes for it!

Before the words begin to cascade down the page, I am met with how it’s due to start and that’s with the looking into the eyes!

Romantic? Hypnotic? Charming?

Yes, to all three I suppose when the eyeballing is accompanied with

a few loving and sensitive wooing words. Aww etc. After reading the first stanza concluding with the word ‘love’ I feel the ‘aww’ some more, thinking that’s the end of the love poem BUT then it continues to a second stanza. There’s more of a word spillage. It cannot stop. It doesn’t want to. It’s determined to continue with the message of love. It needs to connect.

Infatuation is what I’m potentially getting here or a borderline mania and obsession. Is that not what falling in love can do though? Hmm? (Many stories and theories for other future times)

It could be an elaborate chat up line. Or should I say, ‘a chat up poem’. It’s very confident and bold.

Short and sweet with the word ‘sweet’ cleverly being used three times.

The rhyming of ‘hot stuff’ and ‘never be enough’ has got my attention.

A fun read. I’ve been elevated. I have been well and truly wooed.

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