
Envy innit?

Poem: Envy innit?

The aim of those who covet is for one day they long to be coveted too!

What a waste of energy

A stunted evolution


Oxen, Asses, and all that


You’ve seen one ass, you’ve seen them all

I yawn




Review:Envy innit? 


An amusing and wise little poem. The starting point of this short poem is with a regional term, innit? I’ve not ventured much beyond the M25 but I recognise the term ‘innit’ as something familiar from my North London and East London days. ‘Innit’ is indeed a London ‘fing.

The title get’s my attention and I’m reading it with a London dialect in mind.

This serves me as I’m already in that mode when I get to “Oxen, Asses and all that”

A good conversational starter of “let’s talk about this and this is what I think”

A great opening statement with those who desire the things of others and that their desire is for the things that they have, and aim to have, to be hankered over too.

How very shallow and hollow. Is this what most people do? “Look at me”, accompanied with a “what I’ve got status”

Or is the acquiring of ‘things’ with the desire for the items and apparent status achieved to be coveted or is it a reaction to a trauma? They are in a position to get things where they couldn’t before therefore they…

Buy stuff, buy stuff, buy stuff, buy buy buy! Accumulate, accumulate squirrel-like and then? Unease or social discomfort eradicated? Or would they just keep going?

Justified actions? From their own perspective, absolutely yes.

It looks as though they will keep going if the aim is to reach an even higher status.

But who would know of this unless it’s a parent, or a grandparent or someone close who were at the beginning of a person’s life and know of their story? It would only be from their perspective wouldn’t it? The perspective of someone naturally exhibiting a proud bias. Perhaps not broad enough? and perhaps with a tinge of a ‘rose tinted spectacle’ view.

The overt display and the nodding of heads from others is a sign of acknowledgement, acceptance and being ‘liked’ by a certain social group and fitting in. Has this always been the case? Now it is facilitated by social media platforms demonstrating edited and curated behaviours to be shared.

Seeking to be coveted is definitely a waste of energy rendering the seeker emotionally vacant. What a time consuming and costly faff!

Human beings are indeed capable of doing and achieving so many good things with not everything needing to be trumpeted.  Coveting and buying stuff and buying into commercially driven ideas can stunt evolution and distract an individual from their own personal aims or aim in life.

The poet is referencing well-known biblical ancient text when it comes to the oxen and asses.

What is the modern-day equivalent?

The modern ‘jumbo’ cars of today? Other modes of personal transportation? (another story for another time) The oxen and asses from long ago were needed right? Are the jumbo oversized cars of today needed? How did humanity cope before, with the size of vehicles in relation to the size of people? Are we as humans, not sophisticated enough to design vehicles that are safe, stylish and not needing to be ginormous?

Is someone or something ‘spinning a yarn’ here with the claimed benefits of these beasts on wheels?

I get the feeling that the poet regards the behaviours of those who covet and what drives them as something not being a new phenomenon as they recognise the pattern. When the behaviour is seen over and over again and not likely to change it bores the poet into writing this poem. I like the punchy conclusion where the poet refers to those who engage in this sort of behaviour as asses!

A satisfying little read.















Project: Who Cares?

Storytelling – Who Cares?


The advice for people who want to write is to write what you know. I chose to not write but to tell this particular story using pictures. It is what I know and it has shaped and will no doubt continue to shape the rest of my life.


Using photography to communicate a situation, a feeling and a state of mind is a very powerful release.



Through research I found that there are many who experience the same story and are living it right now. How then do people feel when they hear news stories with ‘advice’ from Tory care minister David Mowat about the need for us all to take care of our elderly parents. Some would say that they are doing that anyway, and some would say that they don’t have to wait until their parents are elderly, there are young people who also are carers. Don’t you know the statistics? Don’t you know how carers are affected? And what can you, as a government minister, do to support us? These are just a few questions that would arise. Support on many levels is key.



Do you use photography to tell your story? Do you prefer to tell the story of others and communicate that? What is your story?

More Than Meets magazine

More than meets, where there’s always more than meets the eye.

By seeing one or two things, reading a line or two of information should one automatically reach a ‘comfortable’ yet potentially prejudiced conclusion? It has apparently been digested, understood and then before you know it, you have moved on to the next thing and repeating the same pattern again and again? Hold on, surely you’re short changing yourself by only stealing a quick glimpse and taking a quick-fire, “I don’t have the time to” approach?




More Than Meets: Natalia


More Than Meets: Luke




















The button is pressed, you’ve got the picture (if there’s enough charge or space left on your phone that is) the page has been swiped and that’s it – it’s done, it’s over but wait… By giving yourself permission to look closer for a bit longer, to delve a bit deeper and indulge your curiosity with respect, surely that can be truly rewarding and not a waste of time?


By giving myself permission and using my time to discover more, this led me to have enriching conversations and new photographic experiences that were born out of a deep interest and curiosity. ‘More Than Meets’ magazine starts with taking a closer look at photographers that I have met. I found their stories inspiring and the photography moving. I’m glad I got to know more and not just settled with skimming the surface.




More Than Meets: Davy


Photography is more than just a fleeting comment or an “Instagram-ification” of life’s frivolities. Photography has the power to convey strong emotions with the camera being an empowering tool of communication, self-expression and storytelling. The Artist-Photographer has an overwhelming need to create and convey this to however big or intimate the audience is.




More Than Meets: Danny



Where is the enjoyment or sense of fulfilment to be had in photography? It’s different for everyone. For some it’s in the actual process, when you’re right in there creating moments and material. Whereas others would derive pleasure once a project is completed and there is time to reflect and assess the work.



More Than Meets: Parm



At a project’s inception and after a short spell (one would hope) of the initial mental block/blank canvas moment, the idea or ideas should make an appearance and act as a trigger point to start things. It could be something that has been mentally stored for ages, scribbled down on a piece of paper or just instinctively done; referring to previous stored experiences that are accompanied with nerves and feelings of excitement. Everyone experiences it in one way or another right?


What does it then mean when you do not feel the same set of nerves or sense of excitement anymore? Is it a sign that you have mastered your art and you can then put your feet up and relax? Or is it a sign to evolve further in what you know, and get a new set of butterflies in your stomach to enter the next exciting evolutionary phase?



More Than Meets: Jenni



You’ve got to be bold, brave and have a genuine interest with a desire to explore and learn. These were the common themes I found when I spoke to the photographers who feature in More Than Meets’ along with their passion, enjoyment and dedication to the universal language of photography.



More Than Meets: Kirsty



Can you relate? Does this sound like you? What are the stories you tell?









































Up High


Overlooking the city from one of its highest points, London’s Alexandra Palace, the people’s palace formed the perfect setting for the photo shoots for this project. Fortunately the weather on day two, (the morning shoot) there was no rain or fog but January is known to be unforgiving with its temperature. Winter can be harsh but it doesn’t bother me as long as I’ve got my woolly socks on and there is sunlight at some point during the day… and there it was. I got there early, it was still dark and then I was met with an unexpected glorious sunrise that morning. The atmosphere was welcoming; ideal for the photoshoot, which served to enhance the feeling of the t-shirt designs that I created along with the poetry within the book.



IMG_7450     IMG_7475

















How important is location in your photography and design projects?

What kind of atmosphere does London conjure up for you?

North? South? East? Or West? – Where is your creative and inspiring London spot?


Shakespeare in the 21st century

William Shakespeare: The bard of Avon; Entertaining, inventive and an influential storyteller.


The brief was to “bring Shakespeare into the 21st Century” Choose a play, run with it, work with it and make something with meaning and feeling. In order to bring any piece of design that I create to life it needs to spark interest, have solid content and to be inspiring. I need to immerse myself fully in the story.




My Shakespeare choice was the comedy “The Merchant Of Venice” Why? Upon reading the reviews, I found it very intriguing, intense, multi woven, complex, completely bonkers and yet it somehow unfolded with such simplicity and made some sort of sense in the end? What a mixture! I could not ignore a story with such meaty content. After reading the play and watching the film I felt compelled to go to West London’s ‘Little Venice’ in Paddington with my camera and see what I could find to be inspired to create a contemporary Shakespeare narrative.




Fuelled by the story, I found the areas of Portobello and Paddington to be equally rich with inspiring content; the canal, the buildings, shop windows, Moroccan motifs and the people. I decided to base my 21st century version right here in ‘Little Venice.’ I found that the storyline and design ideas were beginning to form…