My Romford Underfoot

Romford – Is it Essex, London or a bit of both? Only would I go there to shop if Lakeside was just that bit too far (on the day) for my liking? But surely it’s more than just a place to shop and grab a quick hot drink? How best to describe Romford? Like a maze I would first say, approaching roundabout upon roundabout, main road after main road but then I stopped and chose to look into the area afresh and find out a bit more. What do I notice? The hustle and bustle surrounding the marketplace and surrounding shopping malls, yes but the atmosphere I notice is that of warmth and friendliness. Compared to many inner London areas, people appear more relaxed and yet animated too. There’s a confidence, there is conversation; whether it’s putting the world to rights or friends talking about family affairs and general gossip mixed with laughter. One thing for sure, Romford is not quiet. It’s very proud and is very much a hidden and yet a very real part of London’s far East End.



Inspired by this I chose to use typography as my design choices for the vinyl prints that were displayed on Romford’s pavements.

Take a look at my other Romford inspired design pieces


Are you curious? Have you discovered Romford? Do you know it? Do you live, work or play there? What do you say about it?