
Love speaks

Poem:Love speaks


I don’t need to wait for when push comes to shove

Every day I’ll look into your eyes and call you my,





and love


It’s either that or you’re


My world







Sweet cheeks

And hot stuff!


Some might say that’ll do for now,

but it can never be enough!


Review: Love speaks

‘Love’ is saying quite a fair bit here. It has a lot to say.

There’s certainly some intensity at the start of the poem with there not needing to be any form of encouragement, persuasion, nor coercion for the expressions of ‘love’ to be released.

It sounds like this person who is about to declare their love has been waiting like a coiled spring ready to launch. When they do, he or she really goes for it!

Before the words begin to cascade down the page, I am met with how it’s due to start and that’s with the looking into the eyes!

Romantic? Hypnotic? Charming?

Yes, to all three I suppose when the eyeballing is accompanied with

a few loving and sensitive wooing words. Aww etc. After reading the first stanza concluding with the word ‘love’ I feel the ‘aww’ some more, thinking that’s the end of the love poem BUT then it continues to a second stanza. There’s more of a word spillage. It cannot stop. It doesn’t want to. It’s determined to continue with the message of love. It needs to connect.

Infatuation is what I’m potentially getting here or a borderline mania and obsession. Is that not what falling in love can do though? Hmm? (Many stories and theories for other future times)

It could be an elaborate chat up line. Or should I say, ‘a chat up poem’. It’s very confident and bold.

Short and sweet with the word ‘sweet’ cleverly being used three times.

The rhyming of ‘hot stuff’ and ‘never be enough’ has got my attention.

A fun read. I’ve been elevated. I have been well and truly wooed.




Do you remember when?

Oh those were the days!

If only…


Review: Reminiscing

Reading this short poem I’m instantly met with a sense of cosiness and warmth (once I’ve taken off my cap of cynicism that is) Well, I have decided to remove it and have flung it far away. I am choosing to succumb to this feeling of ‘cute’ Aww, to look back eh?  To reminisce. It’s an indulgence right? A luxury. There’s no time in real life to take such a preposterous action. There’s no time is there? Unless one is a ‘kept’ man or woman?  Then I can only pressume that there’s plenty time on hands whilst the spouse/other half/significant other is busy earning that crust. No doubt something is expected in return. I’m not going to go there but in at nutshell. We all have our timetables and arrangements don’t we?

OR there’s plenty of time when one has retired and looking back at the life that has been lived and is currently living.

CONK! I am then met with. It’s an ending. Oh dear.Someone has croaked it.

End of poem. Then I realise why it’s such a short poem. Just as I was about to find out what appears to be a final regret was with an ‘if only’ and I will never know.

Cloggs have popped! C’est fini!

What is this poem telling me?


To not indulge in and lament the ‘what if’s’ because they weren’t were they? What a waste of time!

Enjoy life and carry on living it.

‘Conk’ is a humorous word to end with.


Poem: Comfortable 

Happy anniversary at some point in the year

You know I love you

I’ve put the time in

Keep going

Time will forever be that winged chariot

Flip that calendar page til the next one

I know you love me too


Review: Comfortable

If this is what being ‘comfortable’ is then take me to a pavement of hot coals to walk across, pronto!

Mind you, walking with ease along any London pavement now-a-days one is met with annoying eye sores and obstacles such as litter as well as those SUV’s! Many years ago, it used to be the dog mess on pavements. Some would argue that the SUV’s are equally as yucky as the Poop and the litter. Folks are picking up the doggy deposits now but the big monstrous cars don’t look that easy to scrape off the pavements and shove into a bag to then BIN!  Most have a view on them don’t they? I’ll leave it there for now as I don’t want to swear. That’s not my bag. (another story for another time) Instead I’ll growl quietly for a few short seconds grrr. There, I’m done.

Back to the poem. You can guess I’m after a thrill and excitement of some sort after having mentioned those hot coals!

Back again to the poem, (apologises for deviating)

‘Comfortable’ does indeed have different meanings for different things for different people.  – Fine! – I accept that.

Can I accept however that an important anniversary date has not been remembered? Whoops right? And a big fat one at that!

It’s an anniversary of a commitment that has been made for the rest of one’s life!

Whoa. Flippin eck, I need to sit down, I need to be ‘comfortable’ right now. It’s a big deal right?

Sounds a bit scary. BUT the only scary thing I can see is the ‘not committing to remembering the date!’

Yes, there are lots of things throughout the year that present themselves to you to not forget, like putting out the bins, paying bills, voting for or not for ”Ian-Doobrie_what’s _his_name” and getting to work on time etc BUT not to remember this life changing date?

Hmm. I’d suggest getting a tattoo of the date so there’s no excuse to forget! Even if you have it written in reverse on your forehead so you can see it and read it when looking at the mirror! Mind you, skin can sag over time so unless you have chosen a large font… it’s potentially… not a good idea. I apologise for raising any hopes. No, I’m not speaking from experience I just use good creams and stay out of the sun. We don’t have much of it anyway so the weather forecast is working with me and my anti-aging concerns.

As I read on however, I am concerned as it seems that a list of the ‘for better’s and for worse’s’ could become hugely imbalanced! Don’t stop though.

‘Keep Going’ as it says in the poem. Strike that balance.

BUT am I to judge this couple?

NO, not at all. These things happen right?

It’s modern life with all the ‘digital this, that and the other’ distractions vying for attention.

A little understanding is what’s needed

(Be sure to set a reminder where at least something within your orbit will vibrate, prick you and go ‘PING’ more than once! Prompts are necessary, aren’t they?

If not serious, it is funny to read the words ‘at some point in the year’

The thing is, It’s true isn’t it, at some point. I applaud the honesty.

‘You know I love you’ says to me that the person is not needing to make a big fuss with devising a grand loving gesture of writing a love poem for example? Who’s got the time or the inclination for something as ambitions and naive like that now_a_days? Oh, how I laugh.

BUT how else as humans are we supposed to celebrate and commiserate important moments in time if we don’t mark them with an expression and acknowledgement of some kind? Be it love, admiration or relief! It’s important to share and connect with others, right?

Justifying the years (I presume it’s more than the one here) with saying “I’ve put the time in!’ That’s a clout of a comment!

Hilarious, honest, and yes, erm, comfortable.

Time keeps moving along doesn’t it?

Be it a sun dial, on a fancy Rolex or a smart/stupid watch! It doesn’t and nor should it apologise for its ticking and tocking! When you’re having fun, it flies. It drags when you’re not. Get on with it I’d say and add more fun if there’s an imbalance! Time’s not going to wait!

I detect that the couple are used to using calendars in the old fashion sense. An analogue style and an analogue non AI life. Oh, how cute and comfortable they must be in their archaic ways I’m imagining. I bet they still use hot water bottles and plastic shopping bags and actually go to supermarkets and use coins to pay for stuff. I’ll leave it there before I get consumed into a whirlpool of nostalgic nonsense! Tapping and zooming with everything is where we all are in the 21st century. (without a glitch, right?)

I’ll leave it there and yes, I’m biting my tongue.

There’s certainly love and acknowledgment between the two.

It sounds like the couple have been reading from very well-rehearsed script. They have made the effort, continue to do so and have reached their own ‘climactic’ conclusion with ‘comfortable’ kisses.

But where is the spice?

 “I’m willing for you to experience some excitement and variety”

Is what I would write in an anniversary card to them.

I love the compact burst of the poem, The sense of humour is punchy and very droll. I feel I’ve got to know them and I’m keen to know where they go next.

The Proposal 

Poem: The Proposal


I think highly of you

Buy me a ring

Love me and all that!

Thanks in advance


Review: The Proposal

Whoa, Hang on! What’s just happened here? I barely get a chance to read and digest these words when I get a punch and met with a ‘straight to the matter poem!’ I blink and It’s over, but what it has left me with is an insatiable appetite for more. I need to know where it is going!

I’m teased at the start with a bit of praise in the first line. That’s nice. It’s good to be thought of highly isn’t it?  This is someone who is special and important right?


In comes next is the demand for a ring!

There’s no build up, no romance and no wooing.

Nonchalant the poet is when ‘love’ is mentioned with the accompanying words, ‘and all that’ Yes, I find that, all of it, hilarious. What exactly is the ‘all that’ I wonder? Surely It differs from couple to couple. There’s no blueprint with how to get things right from the start. The bending down on one knee. Offering a bunch of flowers and asking a father (any father) for a hand in marriage? To some, that would be viewed as romantic and to others a bit of a faff! Archaic or cute? Traditions can be funny and a million miles away from the realities of what is due to be presented in married life.  It appears to me that the poet is seeking commitment and is pretty sure they’ll get a ‘yes’ by thanking their ‘significant other’ in advance. I find that humorous.

By the sounds of it the poet has been waiting a mighty long time and doesn’t want to wait any longer. Very practical and time efficient to take this type of approach. They’ve gone beyond dropping a hint and have taken the bull by the horns!

Language used is short, surprising and speaks volumes. Message received loud and clear!

Not many, but enough words are spoken. A delectable bite sized, ‘amuse bouche’ of a poem and I do just that, I smile. A powerful and cheeky request!

A fun read

Grateful Boss

Poem: Grateful Boss


I’ll give you a wage, well done, it’s an honour for you to be here

Yes, a couple of grand less than advertised as that’s what you will get once you’ve proved yourself

in good time

You should be grateful!

I’ll give you a pay rise 
but then I’ll take it back because…

You’re saving money as you don’t need to commute that far into town

You should be grateful!


We’ll increase your hours from 35 to 40

Of course we won’t pay you because 40 hours is the norm.

We’ve actually been overpaying you up until now

You should be grateful!


I’ve changed my mind 
I’ve changed my mind again 
I’ve changed it back

What’s in the Christmas pay pack?

Something tasty of course

A mince tartlet or a pie?

You should be grateful

and not even think to ask why?


Let me ask ‘her’
 I’ll see what she has to say

She hates everyone anyway

You should be grateful she doesn’t show it

In fact you should all be grateful!


Review: Grateful Boss

The poem’s title is preparing me to be met with a description of a boss who is demonstrating their ‘gratitude’ and potentially being, on first impressions of them, a borderline lovely employer?

BUT loveliness, Oh no! Instead I’m met with an abrupt message of a pay cut at the ‘interview’ stage before the job has even been offered. There is a clear sign in the first stanza of that of the hierarchy and where the ‘gratitude’ should be placed.

Was the boss not expecting to give the future employee a wage? Is this all the boss’s thinking? This has to be a joke, right?  Just the act of being there at this establishment, wherever it is, should be enough of a shot in the arm. It’s positively a boost and that’s all that’s needed right?

‘Boosts’ indeed do pay bills, don’t they? Boosts put shoes on feet and zooms around the food on its way to you on that Deliveroo scooter!

By the looks of it, the interviewee has not had a chance to get a word in edgeways to respond. They must be in a state of shock?  Surely, they cannot be ‘grateful’ for this erm… ‘welcoming’ first impression of the company, the business or a hell in disguise?

Oh my! Shuddering at this I am (ish, but not by much). I soon realise they’ve got the job by the looks of it. Hurray, and yes to that? All is ok and well done.

They’ll be getting paid in that well known period of ‘good time’!

Oh, how reassuring a message that is (!)

First impressions eh? First Impressions.

The verbal mime act of an imaginary pay rise is offered but then immediately rescinded due to the commute further into town not being necessary. Oh, how kind a message it is! This must be a local position. How convenient.

Isn’t it an ‘interesting’ move, made by the boss, that they believe and can convince the employee to work extra hours and avoids paying for those hours by saying that they had been overpaying them in first place!

That’s bold and outrageous and yet they should be grateful?

I laugh out loud as I cannot believe that this level of twisted absurdity could happen in real life when a pay rise is being offered.

A stroke of genius to sell this idea?  Where has this idea come from I wonder? Did they learn this from another? Is it drug induced or some, seen-it-on-you-tube- DIY sorcery?

The boss must be clever and have a ‘way with words’ that’s convincing? Aren’t they being a thoughtful boss though?


Yes, I am laughing out loud with incredulity. I’m not even halfway through the poem, BUT I have an idea as to where it may be heading and it isn’t somewhere rewarding!

Looking ahead at the Christmas period ‘Tis’ will be ‘the season’ (and all that). The boss is having pendulum, back and forth thoughts of what to offer staff at that time. Could it be an extra payment of some kind of a ‘bonus’ to reward loyalty, commitment and to say thanks?

So, what’s the motive? The goal? The target?  There has to be something of an incentive right?

Well yes, It’s that of a…

‘mince tartlet or a pie’ that’s what! Yummy times eh?

And even more gratitude is expected!

Oh, I’m going to burst as I cannot hold my laughter in for much longer!

What I find interesting is that ‘the boss’ has needed to ask a ‘She’ the question of what should the gift should be?. What has this ‘She’ got to say and who is ‘She’? I compose myself,  and dry my tears of laughter and then ponder… hmm.


It’s all making sense to me now!  

Sounds like the ‘she’ is another boss. A sleeping partner. She clearly holds the purse strings, makes the all-important money making and saving decisions to grow the business. She controls the budget but may only possess the sensitivity and personal skills of a biting gnat. She leaves the persuading and convincing side of the business to that of ‘the boss’ who does all the talking.

I detect that the boss is fearful of her and promotes the attitude of gratitude behind a mask of self delusion.

At the end of the poem, it appears that a meeting with other staff members has taken place. What’s concluded is that this other ‘She’ boss is full of contempt and yet all should be grateful she doesn’t show it!

Where to go after reading this poem?

OUT! that’s where.

And as far away as possible.

Never to see it, nor speak of it ever again.

This poet’s message serves as a warning to all and that’s to interview the interviewer! Look them in the eye. Don’t be fearful of turning to stone when doing so.

Don’t get sucked in or stay within someone else’s absurdity.

If it sounds too good to be true… Well this wasn’t at all in the first place was it? The signs were there.

It’s farcical!

I’m glad and grateful that I have consigned this unfortunate sitation to a place of fiction as surely it cannot be real, right?

A totally bonkers poem balancing drama and comedy. An entertaining read.